We Don’t Need You to Have More Certifications, We Need You to Hold Us as Big

Here’s a memo from your clients, coming from a place of wisdom deep from within, wisdom that might be too deep for them to actually articulate:

Thanks for all the training you’ve done. It’s enough, you are ready. Having more letters at the end of your name is nice, but we don’t really know or appreciate what those mean anyway.

What we DO understand and appreciate is when you hold us as big.

When you listen to us as up to big things, capable of rising to heights that we ourselves would balk at.

When you relate to us as willing to make big promises, and able to fulfill on them.

When you hear what we’re passionate about and interested in, and speak back to us futures of what you see for us when we fully realize the potential we have.

When you ask us to give our word to doing something we say is worth doing, and hold us to account when we falter because we’re not delicate flowers who can’t be expected to make good on what we said.

If your certifications have trained you to do this for us, great. If they haven’t, please skip piling on another 1000+ hours to whatever credentialing program, and instead build up the courage to hold us as big.

And then do it.

This is what they actually need from you. Consider yourself notified.

Making Action plans is a core part of CA.  With deadlines and reminders, a CA Action Plan becomes a living document of what there is to do, wherein both coach and client always know what’s done and what’s not.

Hold your clients as big by encouraging them to create worthwhile action plans, and let them know you’ll be watching for them to fulfill on whatever it is they created.

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