Session Notes? Freshness Matters!

So you’ve decided to take on the practice of writing and sharing session notes for your clients.  Good on you!

Here’s a tip for making the work easier and the result better:

Write ‘em up as soon as you can.

Even if your style is to hold back sharing with your client, giving them time to first generate for themselves what they found most important (a fine idea, by the way), don’t delay the actual write up.

When the power and excitement of whatever got created is still fresh on your mind, your writing will be an effortlessly flowing brain dump of exactly that.

If you wait, you’re going to work much harder reconstructing the conversation (and getting present to the context) to capture all that mattered.  No flow, and you’ll be wondering if you actually got it all.

Don’t let the insights fade.  They won’t come back into as clear focus, if they come back at all. Don’t turn writing session notes into another item on your later to-do list.  They won’t be as fun to write, and you don’t want this powerful piece of what you provide to feel like a chore.

Session Notes in CoachAccountable are super easy to compose, starting from a template or from scratch.  This makes you more likely to actually do them in the 5 or 10 minutes immediately following your session, and thus add a whole lot of value for your clients.

For ultimate freshness, you can even compose them during the session itself.  With Client Present Mode you can share your screen and capture the gems as you go, turning the act of taking those notes into a collaborative and immediate affair, requiring no extra time at all.  (You owe it to yourself to experience how excited clients often get being part of capturing those a-ha moments in real-time.)

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