Session Notes Are to Be Carried Forth and Carried Out

When you really nail session notes, they’re more than mere documentation. In the hands of your client, they’re marching orders.

Good session notes are reminders of the things that made your session significant: the futures to live into, the contexts that empower, the steps to move forward.

When your client reads these notes, be it the first time shortly after the session, or when revisiting months later, all those good things get carried forth in their awareness. They become a simple reminder of the new future that’s worth living into, of the empowering context that is worth living in, of the things that are/were worth doing. Good session notes remind them to carry forth those good things, to bring those a-ha moments to fruition and not allow them to wither as merely good ideas.

And later on, when those bright futures have been realized, when those empowering contexts have become second nature, and when those steps have been taken, they become a sweet reminder of where and when those originated.

Carried out, and carried forth.

CA’s Session Notes feature make the writing and sharing of notes dead simple, allowing you to capture the key bits and have them live on.

CA’s Actions feature make it easy to make an action plan for your clients, complete with deadlines and reminders.

Actions created around the time of your sessions can be automatically appended to the notes from that session, tying it all together.

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